Officials administering Ethiopia's Tigray region asked for federal help on Wednesday as a faction of the main regional party ...
The Tigray Peace and Security Bureau has rejected the interim administration's suspension of three senior military commanders ...
In Ethiopia's Tigray region, internal conflicts have resurfaced as a faction of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) ...
As analysts warn of a ‘creeping coup d’etat’ in Ethiopia’s northernmost region, both Ethiopia and Eritrea are reportedly ...
“At any moment, the war between Ethiopia and Eritrea could break out,” Tsadkan, who was formerly Chief of Staff of the ...
Lt. Gen. Tsadkan Gebretensae, Vice President and Democratization Cabinet Secretariat of the Tigray Interim Administration, has warned that war between Ethiopia and Eritrea "seems inevitable," with ...
A bloc of East African nations on Wednesday called for South Sudan's government to release detained officials and lift ...
Pornhub, Xvideos, Onlyfans and thousands of other websites that host pornographic and obscene content could be blocked in ...
Today, nearly 2.5 million children worldwide are fed by Mary’s Meals, a global movement founded by Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow.
As the world unites to celebrate International Women's Day, we must confront the stark and heartbreaking reality for 159 Muslim female students in Axum, Tigray region. For an appalling 120 days, these ...
በትግራይ ክልል ያለው ውጥረት በንግግር እንዲፈታ በኢትዮጵያ የአውሮፓ ኅብረት አምባሳደር ጠይቀዋል። አምባሳደሯ ሶፊ ፍሮም፣ በኅብረቱ እና በኢትዮጵያ የሁለትዮሽ ግንኙነት ዙሪያ ዛሬ መግለጫ በሰጡበት ...