As an OB/GYN physician, it was left to my state to allow me to practice high quality health care after the overturning of Roe ...
The University of Minnesota estimates that Winona County residents would pay an average of $1.22 per month, or about $15 per ...
Winona County’s four candidates for Minnesota House staked out differing positions on taxes, abortion, and clean drinking ...
Last week, the Winona City Council approved $20 sanitary sewer fee increases to pay for an estimated $33 million in upgrades ...
I did in-home daycare for nine years, so I know there’s a huge need for infant care in the area.” Parent Gretchen Biesanz ...
Given that Minnesota has a stellar reputation in the nation for voter turnout, it would behoove all of us eligible to register to vote to do so at our earliest possible convenience. Preregistration is ...
Am important day in America is coming up soon. On November 5, America is electing its next President of the United States. Choose wisely.
Who does Aaron really represent? It’s millionaires and billionaires. He gives me the sense that a woman’s quality of life is the least of his worries. I’m voting for Sarah Kruger, a highly qualified, ...
While most people have made up their minds on who to vote for in the upcoming election, some have decided to not vote at all. Of the many reasons people give for that choice, the most common one I ...
We have known him for many many years, and he is an honest person, which goes a long way. He will listen to your issues, and he makes the best choice to resolve the problem. He helps out the seniors ...
Sarah Kruger understands that the role of elected representatives is to make the case for investment in their district. Gene Pelowski did this quite well, as witnessed by the programs and construction ...
In my work on political campaigns, I’ve learned that earning endorsements from organizations and unions takes hard work and integrity. It requires responding in writing to long lists of complex ...