美國總統特朗普(Donald Trump)在白宮橢圓形辦公室表示, 最終將對從其他國家進口的晶片加徵關稅. 他亦表示, 將對石油及天然氣徵收關稅, 但無透露詳情.
The Trump administration is considering scaling down the U.S. Agency for International Development and putting it under control of the State Department, two sources familiar with the discussions said ...
The European Union's (EU) Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah crossing started on Friday and will last till the end of the first phase of the ceasefire agreement, the European Commission has confi ...
美國總統特朗普(Donald Trump)當地星期五(1月31日)在社交媒體上表示, 首都華盛頓列根國家機場, 星期三晚發生的客機與軍用直升機相撞事故中, 「黑鷹」直升機飛行高度太高, 遠遠超出200英呎(約61米)的限制. 根據美國聯邦航空局規定, 直升機在靠近列根國家機場附近區域時, 必須保持200英呎或以下飛行高度, 減少與其他飛機發生碰撞的風險. 根據提供實時航班飛行狀況的網站「24小時飛 ...
美國總統特朗普(Donald Trump)當地星期五(1月31日)下午, 在白宮會晤輝達行政總裁黃仁勳; 特朗普表示與黃仁勳會談愉快. 路透社報道, 特朗普與黃仁勳今次會面, 正是美國準備進一步管制人工智能(AI)晶片出口, 以保持美國與盟邦算力優勢, 並多方阻擋中國取得該等先進晶片.
France will propose a draft resolution to the U.N. Security Council on Friday that aims to "increase the pressure on Rwanda" to withdraw its troops from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, French U.
India is concerned recent trade pacts signed by the Maldives will likely hurt the archipelago's cash-strapped economy, the Indian foreign ministry said on Friday, in a reference to agreements between ...
The worsening conflict in eastern Congo has led to a surge in human rights violations including summary executions, the bombing of displacement camps, reports of gang rape and other sexual violence, t ...
當地星期六(2月1日), 三名以色列被扣押人員獲釋後, 以色列預計同日釋放183名被扣押人員, 其中150人將被釋放至加沙, 32人將被釋放至約旦河西岸, 另有一人為埃及公民, 將遣返至埃及. 加沙停火協議1月15日達成, 19日生效. 停火第一階段持續六周, 巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭抵抗運動(哈馬斯)同意釋放33名被扣押人員, 以色列將釋放幾千名在囚巴勒斯坦人. 以色列媒體早前報道, 2月1日三名以方被扣 ...
China's presence around the Panama Canal is a national security concern that Panama's government has to deal with, U.S. Special Envoy for Latin America Mauricio Claver-Carone said on Friday, ahead of ...
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Friday told his Mauritian counterpart, Navin Ramgoolam, that he wants "strong protections", including from "malign influence", for a U.S.-British military base o ...
Syrian authorities have arrested a former senior security officer and cousin of ousted leader Bashar al-Assad credited by some with sparking the country's 2011 uprising due to a crackdown on protests ...