Putting Lebanon back on the path of statehood and economic recovery is not only an urgent necessity for the Lebanese but also ...
As they sweep across northern Syria, the advancing rebels are posing fundamental questions not just for the regime of Bashar ...
There is no quick path to limiting or reducing Iranian influence in Iraq. Tehran will react fiercely to American efforts to ...
Officials in Israel, Lebanon, Washington, and Paris indicate that a cease-fire agreement between Israel and Lebanon might be ...
To abandon the Syria mission now would bring no meaningful benefit to the US, but it would swiftly and significantly empower ...
For decades, the MENA region’s pivotal role in the global economy has been rooted primarily in oil and gas exports. The ...
Ukrainians’ determination to fight for their country and their freedom for close to three years has been more than remarkable ...
Across both the Biden and Trump administrations, the US has consistently viewed China as the primary global rival, ...
Supporters of peace, both local civil society actors and international partners, need to make a sustained effort to promote ...
This article was first published in Policy Center for the New South. It was co-authored by Mohammed Soliman and Alberto ...
In October 2014, the Oman Library at the Middle East Institute (MEI) received a grant from Saudi Aramco designated to initiate a digitization of the library’s rare collection. This is the first ...
In 2016, Iran proposed a regional initiative to develop the Persian Gulf-Black Sea International Transport and Transit ...