Hållbar utveckling är en av vår tids största utmaningar och omfattar frågor som klimatförändringar, resursbrist och social ojämlikhet. För att möta dessa komplexa utmaningar spelar utbildning en ...
Tonen var varm och skämtsam när dekan Jenny Nyström introducerade, iförd den ceremoniella akademiska högtidskappan. – Att ni lyckas är vårt högsta mål – kom ihåg det när det blir tufft. Studenthälsan ...
Music by Bizet, Ravel and Brahms with musicians from the master's programme in Symphonic Orchestra Performance. Conductor: Lars Kvensler.
The students of classical percussion offer pearls from the repertoire for percussion ensemble chamber music with other instruments. A festive and lively atmosphere is promised, under the direction of ...
Welcome to Lunch Box, a series of events where each occasion gives the stage to one of the educational programmes at the Academy of Music and Drama. This time with students from the classical music ...
Welcome to Careers Conference in Dals Långed - a conference about collaboration as a key to success in the cultural sector. In this second edition of the Careers Conference, we focus on the importance ...
Johan Westins grupps forskning studerar hur användning av modern molekylärbiologisk teknik för diagnostik och epidemiologi bäst kan användas för att förbättra omhändertagande och optimera behandling ...
The focus of the Johan Westin group's research is to study how the use of modern molecular diagnostic and epidemiological techniques can best be used to improve the care and optimize treatment of ...
Forskargruppen, som innefattar såväl psykiatrisk som njurmedicinsk kompetens, har lagt fokus på att studera patogenesen vid progredierande njurfunktionsnedsättning, som är den allvarligaste ...
The purpose of the research is to increase patient safety during prophylactic long-term treatment with lithium, which is the first-line treatment for bipolar disorder. The overall aim of our studies ...
An education in Computer Science is perfect for those who enjoy developing innovative solutions using mathematics and programming. You will need to dedicate many hours to your studies – in return, you ...
The joy of learning and social opportunities were clearly highlighted when Sahlgrenska Academy for the first time gathered all new students for a joint introduction. Take care of yourselves, but also ...