The fight against illegal migration into the European Union is an absolute priority, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said ...
Leaders from Hungary, Slovakia, and Serbia are committed to reducing illegal migration into the European Union, emphasizing ...
Sledujte ONLINE prenos zo zápasu KFC Komárno - FK Železiarne Podbrezová v 11. kole súťaže Niké liga na Š! Komárno je v ...
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, met today in the Slovak city of Komarno with the Prime Minister of Slovakia, ...
The leaders of Slovakia, Hungary and Serbia expressed concern that current European solutions to irregular migration are inadequate and called for greater regional cooperation to tackle the problem ...
Futbalisti MFK Ružomberok postúpili do 5. kola (osemfinále) Slovenského pohára - Slovnaft Cup-u 2024/2025. Obhajca prvenstva ...
​ Stredoslováci na pôde súpera viedli od 27. minúty, keď sa gambijský útočník Alasana Yirajang vyhol ofsajdovej pasci a osamotený nezaváhal. ​ Komárno vyrovnalo v 78. minúte, k lopte sa po priamom ...