Directed in anime style by Japan’s Kenji Kamiyama, the story centers on a headstrong young heroine, Héra (voiced by Gaia Wise ...
"Rohirrim" feels rich with distinct mythos, and it’s not at all difficult to follow, even for a "Lord of the Rings" novice.
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim is not yet streaming on Max. Right now, the movie is only in theaters. That ...
The War of the Rohirrim has its problems, but it's the best project in the franchise since Peter Jackson's trilogy.
Set 183 years before the events chronicled in the original trilogy of films, anime film is about the king of Rohan and his daughter Héra battling an invasion of Dunlendings.
This anime adaptation, drawn from Tolkien’s appendices, focuses on a shield maiden, but mostly it serves as an excuse to revisit Middle-earth.
It's a discombobulating experience, after a "Lord of the Rings" trilogy that was built for the big screen, to see something ...
The War of Rohirrim” also feels conspicuously closer to 1990s direct-to-video release than an heir to some of the grandest ...
Warner Bros. Animation’s new Lord of the Rings anime film is everything that’s disappointing about IP cash grabs.
From famed anime director Kenji Kamiyama comes this prequel to Lord of the Rings that is set 183 years before the events that occurred in the trilogy.
The producer behind Peter Jackson's trilogy speaks with Yahoo UK about returning to Middle Earth with Miranda Otto, Billy ...
In addition to Wicked, here's what is playing in Northern and Central Vermont movie theaters this week. Listings include new ...