SM Prime [SMPH 26.10, down 1.7%; 129% avgVol] clarified a report on its mall expansion effort in Xiamen, China. SMPH confirmed that it is opening two new malls in Xiamen, but clar ...
ACEN Corp. said on Thursday that a joint venture (JV) company, IBV ACEN Renewables Asia Pte. Ltd., had completed the acquisition of shares in a Bangladeshi solar project as part of a bid to expand its ...
Ayala-led ACEN Corp. has further expanded its international presence with the acquisition of a 49-percent stake in the ...
ACEN Corp.’s joint venture, IBV ACEN Renewables Asia Pte. Ltd., has finalized the acquisition of a 49% stake in a 70-megawatt ...
Australian trade association Clean Energy Investor Group has warned that the EPBC Act has seen a doubling in decision-making ...
A wind turbine in Burgos, Ilocos Norte caught fire Thursday morning, prompting authorities to probe the incident, a first in ...