Credit rating agencies like Moody’s, S&P, and Fitch play a crucial role in the financial ecosystem. Their ratings influence ...
KBRA assigns ratings to seven classes of mortgage-backed notes from Santander Mortgage Asset Receivable Trust 2025-NQM1 (SAN 2025-NQM1), a $283.8 million non-prime RMBS transaction. The underlying ...
S&P Global raised the luxury Italian sneaker maker’s long-term issuer credit rating and issue-level rating on the company’s floating rate senior secured notes to BB-, with a stable outlook. The ...
The City of Davenport’s credit ratings have been reaffirmed by both Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s, demonstrating the city’s ...
The rating agency raised WWW's outlook to be stable from negative and affirmed its B+ issuer credit rating, as it expects improving operating performance and deleveraging in the next 12 months and ...
The cost of insuring Turkey's bonds against the risk of a default has also risen to the point where traders are now ...
S&P Global is a high-quality business with a strong competitive position and growing margins. Read why I assign SPGI a buy ...
S&P Global Ratings cut its credit grade on Solera further into junk, as the Vista Equity Partners-backed software company ...
Discover why S&P Global's Ratings, Indices, and Commodity Insights units drive growth and value, making it a top long-term ...
Global ratings agency S&P has raised Saudi Arabia’s long-term sovereign credit rating to “A+” from “A” due to the ongoing ...