Interviewé simultanément sur France 2 et à la télévision indienne, Emmanuel Macron, en marge du Sommet pour l’action sur l’Intelligence Artificielle, a dévoilé son projet pour faire de la France une d ...
Le président a écrit avec le ministre de la Défense, et bien malgré lui, l’une des pages les plus folles de la Ve République.
A photo authentically shows "future French President Macron with his future wife" while he was a teen and she was his teacher. Since at least 2017, various croppings of the above photo have been ...
President Emmanuel Macron says France will "commit to a clear timeline" and "deliver" on AI development, as Europe risks falling behind the US and China. He likened it to the rapid Notre Dame ...
Development of artificial intelligence (AI) should not be an unregulated "Wild West", French President Emmanuel Macron said ...
Dimanche, la porte-parole du RN Edwige Diaz a dénoncé "le monde du recalage et du recyclage des battus", rappelant que ...
President Emmanuel Macron on Monday said France would slash through red tape to build artificial intelligence (AI) ...
In a bid to strengthen AI governance, the Paris Summit aims to focus on a global governance model to make artificial ...
One year after Herbert Wigwe's tragic passing, leaders like Tinubu, Macron, and Obasanjo gathered to honor his legacy as a ...
A photo authentically shows "future French President Macron with his future wife" while he was a teen and she was his teacher. Rating: Context: Macron's face was added to an unrelated school ...
TRIBUNE. Dans une séquence filmée ahurissante, Emmanuel Macron, la mine enjouée sur fond de dorures élyséennes, répond très spontanément à un jeune influenceur qui l’avait interpellé sur un TikTok. Ce ...