Once known as "the North Korea of Europe", Albania is turning to its millennia-old sites and rich cultural heritage to recast ...
Archaeologists have discovered multiple artifacts depicting ancient Greek deities in the ancient city of Finziade in Sicily.
Archaeologists have uncovered a rare ancient Roman artifact that has revealed previously unknown places lost to time. The ...
An underground labyrinth city and aqueduct were recently unearthed in the ancient town of Abarkuh in Yazd Province, Iran.
Ancient Egyptians mummified baboons for religious purposes, but new research reveals they were likely raised in captivity ...
Explore the 7 Wonders of the World—ancient and modern. Learn where they are, when to visit, and how to plan your next ...
With consistent development across southern Utah, ancient archeological sites and petroglyphs are increasingly at risk.
For history lovers, its ancient ruins and museums lined with artifacts should entice—but if your idea of a getaway is one ...
The team of researchers have made several trips to the isolated cave to study the ancient, gruesome traditions that once took ...
During their excavation of the site in 2013, archaeologists reported witnessing several birds dropping dead after flying too ...
The statue was found at Taposiris Magna, an archaeological site where some researchers suspect Cleopatra and Mark Antony are ...
Archaeologists working at Emperor Nero’s grand palace in Rome, known as Domus Aurea, uncovered a rare and rather big Egyptian ...