The State Department has frozen funding indefinitely for thousands of scholars participating in long-established ...
A Ukrainian woman in the US is living in fear that her family will be sent back into the path of Russian bombing by Donald’s ...
A couple living in Oklahoma from Ukraine says they're concerned about a recent souring relationship between their home ...
Without federal funding, Michigan refugee agencies are scrambling to support hundreds of newly arrived families.
The funding freeze announced by US President Donald Trump's government have led multiple UN agencies to fire staff, suspend ...
For some Ukrainians living in Maine, the country's dire position — and the United States' shifting attitude — create dual ...
Trump administration freezes on U.S. foreign aid have led many United Nations organizations to cut staff, budgets and ...
Supporters for Ukraine lined the streets outside of a Germantown church on Friday night for a "We Stand with Ukraine" ...
Panic plagued the Ukrainian community when Trump said he will make a decision soon on whether he will revoke the temporary ...
A news story released Thursday (3-6-25) by the international news service Reuters claimed the Trump administration is ...
Commonwealth Catholic Charities, a faith-based nonprofit that works with immigrant and refugee populations in Hampton Roads, ...
The Trump administration is reportedly considering revoking humanitarian parole for Ukrainians as soon as April. 'Anxiety ...