The Bombay High Court on Wednesday (January 29, 2025) constituted an eight-member committee to conduct a social audit of 30 maternity and nursing homes run by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation ...
An eight-member committee has been constituted by the Bombay High Court to undertake a social audit of thirty maternity homes ...
The Bombay High Court has constituted an 8-member committee to undertake a social audit of thirty maternity homes run by Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC ...
The court was hearing a plea filed by the husband of a 26-year-old woman who passed away in April 2024 due to complications while delivering a baby at a BMC-run maternity home in Bhandup ...
According to a recent audit by the National Audit Office (NAO), ambulances are often called out to patients who should instead receive treatment from a family doctor or social worker. With hospitals ...
A New Jersey lawmaker has introduced a bill that addresses the issue of prohibiting social media from using algorithms that ...
During the recent surveillance audit, Iwokrama received only two observations. Non-compliances are categorised as “observations”, “minor corrective actions” ...
KPMG UK partners receive record pay averaging £816,000 following an 11% increase in pre-tax profits to £404 million.
A woman who worked for the Department of Work and Pensions has been sentenced for stealing from the agency’s sports and social club. Emily Spencer, 28, of Devizes Drive in Irby, Merseyside, was ...
THE treasurer of a DWP social club pocketed hundreds of pounds of their funds, some of which was destined for charity.
Small protests about ongoing litigation in a judicial election begin cropping up.But how much attention is being paid to an effort to erase thousands of ballots cast in a race ...
The White House has ordered a freeze on all federal grants and loans while agencies audit them. That puts billions of dollars of programs in questions.