Canada is filled with all kinds of beautiful landscapes. Although much of the greenery is covered up by a layer of snow and will be for the next few months, snow-covered scenery can be equally ...
Cette enquête a pour but de recueillir de l'information sur la disponibilité et/ou l'écoulement d'énergie au Canada. Cette information est un indicateur important de la performance économique ...
Why are we conducting this survey? This survey collects up-to-date information on the production and value of greenhouse plants and vegetables, and on the production of nursery stock and sod in Canada ...
Les prochaines questions servent à confirmer vos renseignements, tels que votre adresse et numéro de téléphone. Sélectionnez « Non » si des changements à l'adresse sont requis (p. ex. une erreur ...
The next questions refer to your household's usual place of residence and collective dwellings. To make sure you are asked the right questions, we need to correctly identify the dwelling in which you ...
Outside of winter wheat growing beneath the snow, not much is happening on Canadian crop farms at this time of the year, providing farmers with some much-needed time to reflect on last year’s harvest ...
À part le blé d’hiver qui pousse sous la neige, il ne se passe pas grand-chose dans les exploitations de cultures agricoles canadiennes à cette période de l’année, ce qui donne aux agriculteurs le ...