This crossword is inspired by the November 2024 issue of Scientific American. Read it here.
Daniel Galef writes poetry, plays, short stories, and humor. His book Imaginary Sonnets contains 70 monologues spoken by ...
Occam’s razor holds that the simplest explanation is closest to the truth. But the real world is quite complex ...
We have been adding “leap seconds” to time kept by our atomic clocks, but soon we may have to subtract one. Are the tiny ...
Author’s note: Wegener was an early proponent of continental drift—a theory initially met with resistance. Fossil and gene ...
Duncan Geere is an information designer and data storyteller, specializing in climate and environmental work. Songs and ...
Estimates of how fast the universe is expanding disagree. Could a new form of dark energy resolve the problem?
There is no simple solution to tackling health inequity, but we’re confident that infusing health equity principles across ...
Solutions for Health Equity,” an editorially independent special report that was produced with financial support from Takeda ...
Fossil and gene discoveries paint an ever-more-intertwined history of humans combining with vanished species like Neandertals ...
Fortunately, recognition and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in grown-ups are getting better ...
There may be no greater demonstration of vaccines’ power to deliver health equity than their success with smallpox. “The ...