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Patrick Bolton & Haizhou Huang consider what it will take for the government to break the cycle of declining spending and ...
Marci Shore examines the tragic causes and deadly consequences of the ban on using US weapons against targets in Russia.
James Livingston asks why so many observers now believe that institutions central to modern economies are running a con game.
Brahma Chellaney asks whether the group of major emerging economies can catalyze a long-overdue revamping of global ...
Tom Ginsburg & Aziz Huq see a pattern of authoritarian movements becoming more effective when given a second shot at power.
Ambroise Fayolle points out that biodiversity loss and ecosystem damage jeopardize all other global development goals.
Katrin Kivi highlights the findings of two new reports that illustrate the many benefits of protecting independent media.
Beyond market failures, there are deeper issues of equity and justice to consider. Wealthier entities’ ability to buy up ...
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Katharina Pistor worries that we have already ceded control to self-interested private corporations and their shareholders.
Barry Eichengreen asks whether European policymakers are prepared to implement the Draghi Report's recommendations.