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Marci Shore examines the tragic causes and deadly consequences of the ban on using US weapons against targets in Russia.
Patrick Bolton & Haizhou Huang consider what it will take for the government to break the cycle of declining spending and ...
Brahma Chellaney asks whether the group of major emerging economies can catalyze a long-overdue revamping of global ...
James Livingston asks why so many observers now believe that institutions central to modern economies are running a con game.
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Katharina Pistor worries that we have already ceded control to self-interested private corporations and their shareholders.
Ambroise Fayolle points out that biodiversity loss and ecosystem damage jeopardize all other global development goals.
Robert Skidelsky calls attention to the conditions that lead African migrants to risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean.
Jim O'Neill thinks the grouping continues to show that it serves no purpose beyond generating symbolic political gestures.
Katrin Kivi highlights the findings of two new reports that illustrate the many benefits of protecting independent media.
Yi Fuxian argues that the country’s efforts to mitigate the effects of rapid demographic aging are too little, too late.