Potato growers are being advised to stock up on the multisite fungicide mancozeb before sales end on 30 November, to help ...
Both our breeding herds have become infected with swine dysentery, which is caused by the bacteria Brachyspira hyodysenteriae ...
Collaborating with universities by hosting research projects is providing income and other benefits for Eddie Andrew’s family ...
Why can’t they just leave us alone”, sighed a gamekeeper in a conversation about yet more Holyrood legislation. I’ve heard ...
An invasive insect species, known as the plane lace bug, has been found in the UK for the first time since 2006. Plane lace ...
Harvest is done and dusted for 2024. Spring oats out-yielded winter oats. It’s just a shame I still have no idea how much the ...
AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds is to invest in four new research initiatives to help reduce the industry’s reliance on conventional ...
Welcome to another edition of This Week in Farming, your weekly round-up. You know the drill by now… here are your markets ...
On 3 October, the Farmers Weekly Awards ceremony raised an impressive £7,683.20 for two vital charities, Royal Agricultural ...
Phoebe Brice may only be nine months old, yet she is already loving life on the farm and picking her first pumpkin at her ...
The UK’s largest dairy co-operative Arla has launched a free dairy vending machine in North London as part of a wider ...
Many would have you believe that the Labour victory on 4 July was more a result of disenchantment with the previous ...