BOSTON (October 22, 2024) -- The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has announced today that it is working on a statement of criteria for free machine learning applications, which will require the ...
Das Folgende ist eine öffentliche Stellungnahme, die von Jedem unterzeichnet werden kann. Für weitere Informationen lesen Sie bitte unsere detaillierten ...
The FSF board of directors calls all associate members who fit the criteria to join the FSF's board discussion forum, and to use this form to suggest other people who could valuably contribute to the ...
For individual-donor acknowledgements, see ThankGNUs. Through corporate patronage, companies and other organizations can support the FSF in its mission to defend and protect computer users' rights. In ...
Confusing practices also include situations where the authors make claims about their software or license being free without actually granting all four freedoms to users.
Il software libero è software che rispetta la nostra libertà. Usare software libero è fare una scelta politica ed etica, con cui si afferma il nostro diritto a imparare e a condividere con gli altri ...
Free software is software you can study, modify and share without restriction. But unlike proprietary software, there is no big budget marketing campaign behind it. Rather, people discover it and come ...
The following is a public statement, open for signing. For more background, please read our more detailed explanation of the issue at ...
I have recently become aware of a problem that has been largely ignored until now, that I'd like to ask you to consider when you use Gmail. When we use our computers, we should have control over what ...