Igor Tsyganskiy, Microsoft's Global Chief Information Security Officer, joins Ann Johnson on this week's episode of Afternoon Cyber Tea for an engaging conversation on the challenges and optimism ...
To get access to ad-free episodes, exclusive podcasts, unlimited briefings, stories, and transcripts, and other valuable bonus features sign up today. US Justice Department charges employees of ...
Andrew Hammond, Ph.D. is Historian & Curator at the International Spy Museum, home of the world's preeminent collection of intelligence-related artifacts. Previous chapters have included seven years ...
An approach to software development that emphasizes incremental delivery, team collaboration, continual planning, and continual learning. Agile development emphasizes requirement discovery (as opposed ...
To get access to ad-free episodes, exclusive podcasts, unlimited briefings, stories, and transcripts, and other valuable bonus features sign up today. This week, we are joined by Selena Larson from ...
A mathematical method by which one party (the prover) can prove to another party (the verifier) that something is true, without revealing any information apart from the fact that this specific ...
To get access to ad-free episodes, exclusive podcasts, unlimited briefings, stories, and transcripts, and other valuable bonus features sign up today.
Dave Bittner is a security podcast host and one of the founders at CyberWire. He's a creator, producer, videographer, actor, experimenter, and entrepreneur. He's had a long career in the worlds of ...
Welcome back to the FAIK Files! On this week's episode, -We (oh so carefully) touch on how different countries are staking positions on the future of AI -Mason offers a bit of self-correction and self ...
In this episode of the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Podcast, host Sherrod DeGrippo is joined by two Microsoft security researchers to analyze the latest Russian nation-sponsored cyber threat activity ...
Andrew Hammond, Ph.D. is Historian & Curator at the International Spy Museum, home of the world's preeminent collection of intelligence-related artifacts. Previous chapters have included seven years ...
A targeted form of phishing, in which an attacker tries to extract information from a particular individual or small set of individuals. "spearphishing" on the Word Notes podcast.