Preisdentja e Komisionit të BE-së, Ursula von der Leyen, të premten (25.10) u takua në Bograd me presidentin serb Aleksandar ...
Le politologue Bob Kabamba estime qu' à travers ce projet de changement de Constitution, le président Félix Tshisekedi ...
Hussein Ahmad Karaki seria responsável por recrutar brasileiros a serviço do grupo libanês e, segundo autoridades do país, ...
The PKK has claimed responsibility for an attack on a defense company in Ankara in which five people were killed. Who is the ...
أعرب وزير الخارجية العراقي فؤاد حسين عن قلق بلاده من احتمال توسّع نطاق الحرب الدائرة في لبنان بين إسرائيل وحزب الله المدعوم من إيران، لتطال العراق.
El partido Voluntad Popular señaló que el activista Edwin Santos fue "asesinado luego de haber sido secuestrado por miembros ...
Missão de Observação Eleitoral da União Europeia quer transparência nos resultados eleitorais anunciados pela CNE moçambicana e condena a violência nos protestos, apelando ao respeito pelas liberdades ...
Número saltou de 38,7% em 2010 para 49,1% em 2022, segundo dados do último Censo. Quantidade dos cidadãos que vivem sozinhos ...
Their votes could spell victory or defeat. Just ahead of the US Election, what issues concern the Latino community?
A viral video falsely claims to show Hamas fighters shooting at humanitarian airdrops over Gaza. DW fact check reveals it's a collage of two unrelated clips.
The Brazilian government signed a compensation deal with BHP and Vale over the 2015 disaster, which caused multiple deaths ...
President Joe Biden addressed what he called "one of the darkest chapters in American history" Friday, apologizing for a brutal system that saw Native children kidnapped and abused in an effort to ...