The season two premiere of Severance took place entirely within the walls of Lumon Industries, leaving viewers in the dark about the consequences of the Innies' uprising in the outside world — at ...
Since the release of Severance Season 2, fans cannot stop talking about Britt Lower's roles as Helly R. and Helena Eagan as they speculate if the CEO's daughter has taken over Helly.
There’s always a new mystery to unravel, some new detail or scrap of Lumon lore to sift through. Every answer births new ...
Season 2 of Severance opens even more questions about what's true by subtly making Outie-Mark disappear for 24 hours.
Macrodata Refinement got you down? CNET went fishing for the answers to some of Lumon Industries' biggest mysteries.
The second episode of season two was the inverse of the first, with an exclusively un-severed look at Lumon's employees.
Note: This post contains spoilers for Severance Season 2, Episode 2, "Goodbye, Mrs. Selvig." If you haven't watched it yet, ...
The second episode of 'Severance' season two was the inverse of the first, with an exclusively un-severed look at Lumon's employees.
As the second season of Severance rages on with its sophomore episode, more details and doubts are revealed about Lumon, MDR, ...
In Severance Season 2, Episode 2, one of the biggest questions about the timeline is finally answered. At the end of Season 1, the Innies (the work versions of the characters) believed that nearly six ...
If you’ve noticed an increased amount of pineapples in Severance Season 2, there’s a new fan theory that be the reason behind it.