The animated short film, first aired on Channel 4 in 1982, remains a Christmas TV staple. This year’s 50p coin is the perfect way to celebrate the enduring appeal of The Snowman, offering fans a ...
This year's Christmas 50p coin will have The Snowman depicted on it and one gold version will be hidden in a Royal Mint ...
The Royal Mint has created a new coin celebrating Raymond Briggs’ The Snowman and has hidden a solid gold one behind door 24 ...
To celebrate the launch of this year’s collection of 50p coins featuring The Snowman, the Royal Mint is hiding a solid gold ...
A RARE solid gold coin featuring The Snowman is being released in time for Christmas this year. The iconic festive character ...
Telling the story of James, a young boy who builds a snowman that comes to life, it inspired an animated short film that was first broadcast on Channel 4 on Boxing Day 1982. The new coin's design ...
The Snowman is being depicted on a new Royal Mint 50p coin – with a gold version hidden in one of its advent calendars for someone to discover ...