A breakdown in this balance, either by weakening the defense mechanisms or increasing erosive forces, can lead to pathogenetic alterations of GERD, encompassing esophageal exposure, resistance of the ...
The biological cycle of our existence seems relatively straightforward: we’re born, we live, we die. The end. But when you examine existence at the cellular level, things get a bit more ...
Feb. 4, 2025 — Research has shown that a potential new targeted therapy for childhood brain cancer is effective in infiltrating and killing tumor cells in ... Feb. 4, 2025 — Researchers have ...
To explain this curious finding, they postulated a general stimulatory response on the part of the respiratory epithelium or a relation to "oxygen poisoning" since they noted that this "general ...
Red blood cells and epithelial cells should be enumerated but are not included in the total white cell count. Differential cell counts are most frequently determined on slides prepared either by ...
Mar. 19, 2025 — The cells that make up the walls of the finest of all lymphatic vessels have a lobate, oak leaf-like shape that makes them particularly resilient to changes in fluid volume. A ...
Your body is made of cells -- trillions of them. Cells are the basic building blocks of people and all other living things. Researchers study them to learn more about health and diseases.
[Denise] Hello and welcome to this episode of Two for You, where we're going to be talking about the Reticular Activating System, or the RAS, and how you can put it to work for you as leaders in your ...
Disruptions of intestinal epithelial cells, which serve as a physical barrier, or the antimicrobial peptides and mucins they produce, which act as a chemical barrier, can lead to a leaky gut. In this ...