The Trump administration has made a cruel and counterproductive decision about refugees. Beyond just suspending future refugee admissions through the resettlement program, the administration ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...
The refugee camp, long been a stronghold of militant groups including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, has been raided repeatedly over the years - not only by Israel's military but also by the Palestinian ...
For more recent updates please browse the key facts for countries hosting the world’s refugees. The Global Compact on Refugees emphasizes the importance of greater responsibility- and burden-sharing.
Olin Corporation (NYSE:OLN), a global leader in the chlor-alkali and epoxy markets with a market capitalization of $3.2 billion, finds itself at a critical juncture as it navigates through a ...
For legislation, case law and UNHCR policy relating to claims for international protection, visit Refworld.
Pre-Market: 4:09:39 a.m. EST ...
A furious construction worker (pictured) has snidely asked 'Daddy Trump' who would carry out America's construction projects if Trump deports all the undocumented migrant builders.