An Iowa woman who sought out new friends when she moved to a life plan community turned a simple email blast into a long-running group.
Shyne: Originally, I thought it would be more visually akin to Alessandra Sanguinetti’s series The Adventures of Guille and ...
Quilting is an art in itself, and when Mike O’Dell discovered his love for it, he worked towards making it more accessible ...
Two friends are partnering to open a hip new fabric and quilt shop in downtown Hays. Jeanne Schwartz and Amanda Long will ...
Mallard says having Obama Tie Quilt accepted to help tell history through needle and thread is as good as it gets.
BROOKLYN, Ohio -- The Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce has announced its first networking event. The meet-greet-and-eat affair ...
Fiber artist “Sunshine” Joe Mallard grew up watching his great-great-grandmother quilt. Now a quilt of his own is part of the ...
Mallard says having Obama Tie Quilt accepted to help tell history through needle and thread is as good as it gets.
Artist Joe Mallard stitched a quilt of events during President Barack Obama's first term. It will be included in the Obama ...
That's exactly what a good quilt can offer. Walmart has some of the best deals on patterned quilts, and one of its ...