It was the first such count since a state law, HB 1365 ... Book’s face hardened into a sort of pensive rictus. His hands appeared frozen, mid-gesticulation. He paused, as he often does when ...
County homelessness czar and mega-lobbyist Ron Book is in a race against the clock to end homelessness in Miami-Dade. Can he do it?
A bill moving through the Washington State Legislature would allow lawful permanent residents and foreign nationals who are ...
The Iowa attorney general's report found the man was armed with a rifle, pistol, shotgun and ammunition. He fired about 120 ...
Attempting to arrest a 47-year-old Portage man with a "valid felony warrant" near Apple Street and Newells Lane Tuesday night ...
Five years after the decades-old program was paused, Santa Rosa City Schools and city officials have a draft agreement that ...
The checkpoint will be held at an undisclosed location. Santa Rosa police will be checking driver’s licenses and to see if ...
The legal team for Hennesy said they confirmed with Osage County District Attorney Mike Fisher that no criminal charges will ...
The hitmaker looked pensive during the shoot where she was also seen having an evening phone call. The Moment is based on the singer's original idea and sees Charli play herself. Plot details ...
Mattawa Police Sergeant Maybeline Pantaleon has been on administrative leave for two months following an investigation into ...
A police bomb squad has shut a major Birmingham street amid a serious incident. A bomb disposal team was pictured in the middle of Witton Lodge Road, Erdington, this morning, Thursday, March 20.