Recently, the film celebrated its eighth anniversary, and Rishab shared a nostalgic post on social media. However, his post stirred the internet as he did not mention Rashmika's name, sparking ...
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — A man died in a chase that ended with a police ... The chase ended in the 6500 block of East 30th Street, which is between North Arlington and Shadeland Avenues.
A child's promise is the world's last hope. On a lush green planet called Ephinea, three young children make a promise to each other that could save the future. Asbel, heir to a local lord ...
A society for women in the Island's agriculture sector will celebrate its 60th anniversary next month. The Lady Farmers Group was founded in 1965 by the late Mary Cringle, and today has 35 to 40 ...
The first interactive game Doodle was launched on May 21, 2010, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the popular game, Pac-Man.
When Oh (not his real name) and his girlfriend swabbed their supposedly mini goldendoodle puppy, Ollie, during a DNA test, they were shocked to learn that the pup's top two genetic compositions ...
It also marks the 45th anniversary of his 1980 double LP ‘The River’, the 30th anniversary of his Grammy-award-winning LP ‘The Ghost of Tom Joad’ and the 20th anniversary of his 2005 LP ...