Cal Fire officials on Monday unveiled updated fire hazard severity maps for the High Desert and other portions of Southern ...
Massive wildfires devastated the Los Angeles region in January, forcing over 100,000 people to evacuate and razing thousands ...
The massive brush fire​ that has been burning in southern Miami-Dade County has now grown bigger than the Palisades Fire of ...
Our future depends on reforms that reduce bureaucratic red tape, safeguard public safety, and foster a more efficient legal ...
California officials on Monday released the fourth and final set of county maps that rate the likelihood and severity of ...
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) has updated its classification of areas that are more at ...
According to a news release sent by Vallejo Fire Captain Aaron Klauber, Vallejo has only a few areas designated within the ...
A new report from Headwaters Economics concludes that 1,100 communities scattered across the country are vulnerable to urban ...
CalFire has new threat designations for areas much closer to urban areas than before. Maps for the Central Valley came out ...
Facing federal uncertainty, several California labor unions are throwing their support behind a bill to create some ...