Short reviews of recent releases.
The title of a favorite Christmas carol has been a real inspiration to me during these last weeks of extreme cold. Bleak midwinters have been part of life in these West Virginia hills for thousands of ...
The new year is upon us, and with it, a whole new roster of planned exhibitions across the Smithsonian’s numerous museums and ...
Fiber artist “Sunshine” Joe Mallard grew up watching his great-great-grandmother quilt. Now a quilt of his own is part of the ...
Mallard says having Obama Tie Quilt accepted to help tell history through needle and thread is as good as it gets.
Artist Joe Mallard stitched a quilt of events during President Barack Obama's first term. It will be included in the Obama ...
In its most basic form, a quilt is two layers of fabric stitched together, often with a layer fof fluffy insulation sandwiched in between. In practice, quilts are a thrillingly diverse category ...
Hank Willis Thomas' "Freedom" (left) and Carolyn Mazloomi's "Ode to Harriet Powers: Mother of African American Quilting." Courtesy of The High Museum ...
John Prideaux hosts with Charlotte Howard and Adam O’Neal. They’re joined by The Economist correspondents Aryn Braun, Steve Mazie and Simon Rabinovitch.
The man who famously tried to let world's biggest snake eat him alive 10 years ago has revealed why he did it after it soured his reputation. Paul Rosolie a conservationist from Brooklyn, New York, ...
She had recently finished the 2018 book “The Coddling of the American Mind,” by the attorney and free-speech activist Greg Lukianoff and the social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, and she thought ...