Wolf Man is an upcoming American supernatural horror film directed by Leigh Whannell from a screenplay by the writing teams of Whannell and Corbett Tuck, and Lauren Schuker Blum and Rebecca Angelo. It is a reboot of the 1941 film The Wolf Man.
Wolf Man is an upcoming American supernatural horror film directed by Leigh Whannell from a screenplay by the writing teams of Whannell and Corbett Tuck, and Lauren Schuker Blum and Rebecca Angelo. It is a reboot of the 1941 film The Wolf Man.
Wolf Man' reminds us that the best monsters are the ones that mirror our deepest fears—and our capacity to survive them.
January serves as the perfect time for a winter-set horror movie like “The Damned” to come out, while it is one of the first horror films to be released this year, it is far from being the greatest one.
Goodness Gracious, this is one of the worst werewolf movies I've ever seen. While Leigh Whannell does a great job directing the movie, his story was extremely underwhelming, as the wolf man in the title isn't actually a werewolf, but a man with what I can only describe as advanced rabies.
The Invisible Man’ director Leigh Whannell transforms the ‘Wolf Man’ into a story of a guy trying to avoid turning into his father.
The divisive Wolf Man design in Leigh Whannell's movie could have been a lot more disturbing, per newly revealed concept art.
“Wolf Man” tells the story of Blake Lovell (Christopher Abbott), his wife Charlotte (Julia Garner) and their daughter Ginger (Matilda Firth) as they journey from New York City to the wilderness of Oregon to clean out Blake’s father’s house after he passes away.
Leigh Whannell’s Wolf Man manages to strip the genre of its last shreds of dignity, replacing suspense with an onslaught of gore and nonsense.
The filmmaker responsible for the new iteration of Wolf Man opened up about the character's transformations and where the idea came from.
After opening to mixed reviews, Leigh Whannell's Wolf Man has scared up a minor box office milestone, see how much the horror movie has made.
Julia Garner won three Emmys for her work in “Ozark.” Now, in “Wolf Man,” she plays a woman in peril. What happened?