When you think about how much your baby is learning at the moment, you get a bit of an idea about how exciting life must be for them. They’re absorbing all kinds of new things about the world every ...
Ready to stop worrying about what other people think and do what feels right to you? We’ll give you the support you need to follow your instincts and enjoy parenthood to the max: ...
Your toddler’s third year is an exciting time of learning about the world, and also about their own emotions and feelings. Their memory skills continue to develop, helping them absorb and remember ...
Although your pregnancy is filled with many wonderful moments, you’ll soon realise it’s a bit of an emotional and physical rollercoaster! It’s a beautiful experience, but occasionally the baby growing ...
Our range of formula and toddler milks to support you in how you choose to feed your baby.
Once upon a time, in the small town of Guildford, the Gates brothers embarked on a journey that would change the course of their lives forever. Their family opened a small grocery shop on No. 20 ...
Ready to stop worrying about what other people think and do what feels right to you? We’ll give you the support you need to follow your instincts and enjoy parenthood to the max: ...
There’s a lot of expertise and testing involved to make sure just the right balance of ingredients go into our formulas. Any pack that doesn’t meet our strict standards won’t make it out - it’s as ...
If you don’t exercise that much at the moment it’s best not to start a big new exercise regime during pregnancy without getting some advice from your midwife. Any exercise you’re thinking of trying ...
Your baby will grow rapidly in their first year of life, so mealtimes will take a lot of time out of your day! Our articles offer helpful tips and advice from breastfeeding, weaning to family meals.
One of the best things about being pregnant is when you first get to feel your baby kicking. It’s one of the early physical signs that there is a tiny person living inside you! As a result, the first ...
Breastfeeding is best for babies. Cow & Gate First infant milk should only be used on the advice of a doctor, midwife, health visitor, public health nurse, dietitian, pharmacist, or other professional ...