Star is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news site dedicated to honest and aggressive coverage of state government, politics and ...
When COVID-19 first tore through our nursing homes five years ago, I’ll never forget seeing the photo Shanrika Nelson, a ...
Trump administration order requiring proof of citizenship to vote, cuts to election cybersecurity, have Pa. officials ...
Chairwoman Susan Collins, R-Maine, and ranking member Patty Murray, D-Wash, wrote in the two-page letter that the way OMB is ...
Trump’s order directs the EAC to amend the federal Voluntary Voting System Guidelines to say that voting systems are not allowed to use QR codes or barcodes in the counting of votes, except when ...
Department of Health and Human Services to slash 10,000 jobs and close five regional centers. No word Philadelphia facility's ...
Signalgate, as it’s become known, began Monday when The Atlantic published excerpts of the group chat that included Vice ...
Trump administration drops funding for Pennsylvania farmers who help food banks. Gov. Shapiro moves to reverse it.
James Malone won a stunning upset in the 36th District special election Tuesday by beating Republican Joshua Parsons by 0.89% ...
The Al-Aqsa Islamic Society in Philadelphia is receiving the largest state grant ever given to a Muslim group.
Democrats claimed a majority in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and held a narrow lead in a Lancaster County state ...
HARRISBURG — Describing the current moment as a “time of real peril” for families across the state and nation, former U.S.