A serious earthquake has hit Myanmar, in an area that has already been affected by conflict. There is still only limited ...
CAFOD partner Brian Maeba shared a message of hope with more than 10,000 young people in Wembley Arena at Catholic youth ...
Hundreds of people have been killed overnight in Gaza, and countless more injured, in waves of Israeli airstrikes.
Please donate what you can to CAFOD's Myanmar Earthquake Appeal. Through the Catholic Church, we can provide the emergency ...
This Jubilee year, Pope Francis has called on us to be ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. This is CAFOD’s mission - to bring your love for your neighbour to people suffering around the world, and to give them the ...
This Jubilee year, Pope Francis has called on us to be ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. This is CAFOD’s mission - to bring your love for your neighbour to people suffering around the world, and to give them the ...
Planning for the new academic year? Download our A3 planner, or order a free A1 version.
The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales and part of Caritas International.
Women’s roles and contributions in the Church have historically been undervalued, the opportunities for leadership and decision-making limited. CAFOD works with Church partners and leaders to bring an ...