And does he merit this status? This is the Wallace Monument in Stirling, in Scotland. It's a celebration of a great Scottish hero, William Wallace. It dominates the skyline over Stirling.
For the Scots, William Wallace was an exemplar of unbending commitment to Scotland's independence who died a martyr to the cause. For centuries after its publication, Blind Harry's 15th–century ...
Scotland's History Articles The Battle of Stirling Bridge, 1297 "For this reason the Scots adopted a stout heart at the instigation of William ... the National Wallace Monument stands today.
And does he merit this status? This is the Wallace Monument in Stirling, in Scotland. It's a celebration of a great Scottish hero, William Wallace. It dominates the skyline over Stirling.
The "Lindesiana Chronicles of Scotland" contains two texts ... killed the English sheriff of Lanark, William Heselrig. It also revealed that Wallace did not act alone but had an accomplice ...
An act of exploration, celebration and homage to Scotland’s greatest hero: Sir William Wallace ... is that really his sword ...