It’s been three weeks since the SS United States was towed to Mobile where work continues to prepare the ship for sinking off ...
While some are on board with the SS United States becoming an artificial reef, others are desperately trying to keep her ...
As we began following this story of the ship, I discovered my great grandparents and other family had once sailed upon SS ...
The legendary SS United States is making its way into Alabama's waters Monday, where it will remain at Modern American Recycling Services for at least six months to be stripped of toxic materials ...
When the SS United States was launched in 1952, it was the era of crossing the Atlantic by ship, and people wanted to do it ...
The Bay County TDC wants the SS United States sunk closer to Panama City, and they're more than willing to pay. Here's what ...
A petition has been launched to save the SS United States which is due to be sunk to create the world’s largest artificial reef.
The SS United States had a distinguished career as a transatlantic steamship. Now, officials in Florida plan to turn it into ...
She was red on the bottom, black on the top and then white…she was beautiful, absolutely beautiful,” says Weed. For the final ...