Ever write something, then lose it and wish you could remember? When I went to Mohave Community College years ago, I wrote a ...
You've probably heard of invasive plants, but what about invasive birds? These common nonnative species are now abundant in ...
Brush, T. 1983. Cavity use by secondary cavity-nesting birds and response to manipulations. Condor 85:461-466. Cabe, P. R. 1993. European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Version 2.0. In A. Poole, editor.
Discover nature this week with Missouri's starlings. When Shakespeare wrote the play Henry the Fourth in 1597, he had no way ...
Starlings will feed on raisins, sultanas, sunflower hearts and peanuts. You can leave the food on a bird table - if you clean ...
Learn about our Editorial Policies. Male European starlings—small, greenish-black birds with a hint of iridescence—may not be much to look at. But they do like to add a little flourish to their nests: ...
Widespread and abundant in much of North America, the introduced European starling is arguably and problematically the most successful bird on the ... native species from nest holes.
By his own admission, James Crombie knew “very, very little” about starlings ... the short-tailed birds occurred when one fell into his fireplace after attempting to nest in the chimney ...
The starling has emerged as the UK's garden bird champion, taking top spot in the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch, it was announced today. But the survey found that the number of starlings has ...