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His theory of special relativity stemmed from his desire to understand the nature of light and what would happen to objects ...
Einstein’s special relativity, which he formulated in his “miracle year” of 1905, was a theory that revolutionised our ideas of space and time – and ultimately paved the way for some even ...
Top quarks follow the rules of special relativity day and night. Is there a time of day or night at which nature's heaviest elementary particle stops obeying Einstein's rules? The answer to that ...
After hours, he creates the special theory of relativity, in which he demonstrates that measurements of time and distance vary systematically as anything moves relative to anything else.
Here are a few thought experiments that demonstrate some of Einstein's most groundbreaking discoveries, including his special and general theories of relativity. What would happen if you chased a ...
Einstein received the Nobel Prize for one of the other ideas, but the special theory of relativity has since become the most well-known, perhaps of his career or even the entire field of physics!
Is there a time of day or night at which nature's heaviest elementary particle stops obeying Einstein's rules? The answer to that question, as bizarre as it seems, could tell scientists something ...