Fans of Marvel Comics can grab these Funko Pop figures featuring beloved characters that have yet to join the MCU.
Is the Silver Surfer a bad guy? All this and more can be ... sometimes mistakenly regarded as a messianic figure, Herald of Galactus. #originStories #characterlore #superheroes #superherolore ...
The Silver Surfer has always been a tragic figure. Once a normal man named Norrin Radd, he sacrificed his freedom to serve Galactus as his herald. While he has broken free of Galactus’ control ...
a figure from the previous universe who now must consume planets in the current one. Seeing as the Power Cosmic provides limitless cosmic potential, it's fairly ill-defined, but any Silver Surfer ...
Is it possible that, ahead of the new movie, Marvel Comics will be killing off the Norrin Radd Silver Surfer to clear the way for a Shalla Bal Silver Surfer in the comic books, as in the movie?