A Swedish startup has unveiled a robot dog which uses a new approach to AI, mimicking a biological nervous system.
A Swedish AI startup company has created a robot dog named Luna that has a functional digital nervous system capable of learning and adapting like humans and many animals, the company, IntuiCell, said ...
“We want to ensure we keep our security personnel safe,” Hatcher said. It makes sense that a tech space would find a tech answer. ATV is testing a series of dog-like robots at the Old Sylvan ...
[Sergii] has been learning about robot simulation and wrote up a basic simulator for a robodog platform: the Unitree A1. It only took about 800 lines of code to do so, which probably makes it a ...
U.S. robotics company Tombot has introduced "Jennie," an innovative AI-powered robotic pet designed to provide ... decision to rehome her beloved dog, Golden Bear. This difficult choice led ...
A robotic dog is to help clear radioactive waste from ... benefits for nuclear licensed sites without compromising safety or security," Mr Brook said.
To experiment with different approaches, [James Bruton] built robot dog test platform and is playing with “dynamic compliant simulated springs“, or in other words, using the motors to act as ...
China deploys robot dogs, AI-powered patrol vehicles in Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area for security.