Build a kit with several days’ supply of nonperishable ... Local, state and federal agencies are available to assist in disaster recovery including the following: Practice your plan with family ...
A lot of people think of a weird guy with a beard living in a hut in the woods with his dog and his manifesto — I think I provide a different face,” she said.
As wildfire season approaches, experts urge Oklahomans to prepare their emergency supply kits before disaster strikes.
Kern County Fire Department’s Office of Emergency Services March is Emergency Preparedness Month, and the Kern County Office of Emergency Services and the Kern County Fire Department ...
The project started with an existing project run by a rotary club in Derbyshire, which responded to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami by sending water filtration kits to countries such as Sri Lanka ...
On Thursday, Hancock County COAD led another public education session on how to prepare disaster kits to grab quickly in an emergency. GREENFIELD — It’s impossible to predict when disaster ...