Grey squirrels are a cute and popular garden visitor - but they can be a real pest that can cause all sorts of problems for your house, garden and local wildlife ...
They nest later in the season than other birds, usually in tall trees. Two species of woodpecker can be seen in British gardens, the greater spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) and the green ...
You might not think London is the best place to look for birds, but the city is full of surprises. Ecologist Joe Beale tells us more. Over 300 species of birds have been recorded in London at ...
I am proud to own the 5 volumes of The Handbook of British Birds of which Harry Witherby was editor and co-author. In 1941 when published it was unrivalled for scientific accuracy and excellent ...
Though they are not native to the UK, ring-necked parakeets are now so numerous here that they qualify as a common British bird. So how did this happen? Tales of how parakeets arrived in the UK ...
A study to determine the impacts of pheasants and red-legged partridges on Scotland’s environment and native species is set ...