Metatarsalgia is a common overuse injury that causes pain and inflammation in the ball of your foot, which is between your arch and toes. It's usually caused by another issue affecting the five ...
Medically reviewed by Adam H. Kaplan, DPM There are many causes of foot pain, but if you are experiencing a sharp, stabbing ...
Overuse injuries, such as plantar fasciitis and tarsal tunnel syndrome, and acute injuries, such as metatarsal fractures, are ...
Full Length, Total Contact Support - PULSE performance running insoles use metatarsal pads to help with ball of foot pain relief. Unlike other arch support inserts, they also feature an odor ...
as well as causing inflammation and pain in the area which is known as metatarsalgia. "It can also cause the joint capsules at the ball of the foot to become damaged and inflamed, as well as ...
As you can see, fifth metatarsal fractures come in a variety of types and for a variety of reasons. Pain on the outside of the foot is often the symptom of walking in inversion or with the foot ...
He consulted our clinic regarding his foot 2 days later. The plantar area presented with swelling, bleeding, and pain along the first metatarsal. He had pain on walking and at eversion or planter ...