Letters written by Henry VIII stored in the National Archives show the address he was writing from. While Tudor experts ...
Before their marriage in 1533, Henry VIII’s controversial romance with Anne Boleyn was fueled by intimate love letters. Only the correspondence from Henry VIII’s perspective exists today and ...
Henry VIII is one of our most renowned monarchs ... Henry inundated her with love letters. I can just imagine her standing here looking out, waiting for the latest passionate words from the ...
Love can be a dangerous game, especially if you are married to Henry VIII. An extraordinary love letter, which has survived over 480 years, reveals the story of the doomed sexual affair between ...
From Eleanor Parker, lecturer in Medieval English at the Univeristy of Oxford: “Henry VIII destroyed more things of beauty and more things of promise than any other man in European history.
HENRY VIII: Ah ha! Yes! Go on ... before rumours began to reach the king's ears. Rumours of love letters between Catherine and another man. Henry's disbeliefturned to rage and soon the marriage ...