February is the peak of breeding season for coyotes and continues into March, according to the Missouri Department of ...
PetsPlayGround, a company specializing in pet fences, offers insight into barriers designed specifically to keep coyotes and ...
A viral video of a man holding a coyote inside his home left viewers speechless with how comfortable he was with the wild ...
Some believe coyotes could be to blame for missing cats in the Fairmount neighborhood. Many have expressed concerns about ...
Urban sprawl has forced coyotes into closer proximity to humans, and they’ve had to wise up fast and now humans have to ...
Late January through early March is coyote mating season. Coyotes are very active during the winter while courting mates and ...
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation encourages New Yorkers to help do their part to prevent conflicts ...
Johnston may allow trapping coyotes after dogs were killed or went missing, believed to be by the wild animals.