Had the Union maintained a larger and stronger post-Civil War occupying army ... sarin gas attack in Tokyo subway Today in ...
In his book Fear No Pharaoh, Richard Kreitner examines the reactions of six Jewish Americans to slavery and the Civil War.
While wandering the grounds of the Third Battle of Winchester in the spring of 2023, Chris Bohjalian peered over a still ...
Although perhaps not the most important post in the Civil War, Holding Charleston by the Bridle gives us some interesting insights into America coast defense engineering and life in a coastal fort ...
J. Matthew Ward, PhD, assistant professor of history, will give a presentation on his book, Garden of Ruins: Occupied Louisiana in the Civil War, at the Lincoln-Douglas Debate Museum at 128 North ...
The cemetery, which is operated by the Army, said it was working to restore the content. Among the obscured pages was ...
The federal education system that supports Defense Department schools around the world has ordered schools under its purview to remove books from ... slavery, civil rights history, or treatment ...
“To speak as the slave would, to say that we are as happy for the Civil War as most Americans are for the Revolutionary War, is to rupture the narrative.” ...
living in Delaware before the Civil War, that White was illiterate, and to Sillen’s everlasting irritation, it is literate famous people who wrote history. In this case, the writer is Raphael ...