All the Latest Game Footage and Images from China: Mao's legacy - Bombard the Headquarters Subdue the party members and the people. Change the destiny of China and the nation. Conquer space and ...
"China," observed Charles de Gaulle*, "is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese people." You can't knock the guy: he was right. There are loads of Chinese people in China, it turns out, and ...
Forty years after his death, the legacy of Mao Zedong continues to deeply divide China. The official verdict from Beijing is that Mao was 70 percent correct and 30 percent wrong.
I survived Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party’s purges. What's happening now reminds me of the CCP’s Central Cultural ...
If Mao had invaded Taiwan after China went nuclear in 1964 ... that today’s CCP is an inheritor of the liberal, modernizing legacy of the KMT. The continuation of “free China,” both in ...
whom Mao despised). Only fragmentary figures are available for the numbers of those arrested and jailed as counterrevolutionaries in China since 1949, but it is clear that they run at least into ...
Despite his strong anti-communist stance, Nixon’s handshake with Mao Zedong symbolized ... Today, the legacy of Nixon’s gamble endures as tensions over Taiwan escalate. China’s military ...