At the same time, Brown positions himself as a staunch foe of Big Pharma, which he blames for price gouging amid record inflation. "Big Pharma puts profits over patients," Brown said in April ...
Commentary: New York must take on Big Pharma by demanding more transparency in pricing and ensuring generics aren't delayed ...
Herrig said pharmaceutical makers have also flooded the courts to keep prices high. "Despite taking billions of taxpayer ...
"The government should step in to facilitate lower prices, as has occurred in the rest of the world," writes one reader.
with many blaming “big pharma” for “price gouging”, and others calling out other brands and companies by name such as Gilead, Novo Nordisk or Pfizer, accusing them of being as guilty as Mylan.
Americans have seen a steady rise in the cost of life-saving medications. Drug prices in the U.S. are astronomical relative ...
Access to quality, affordable health care coverage is a critical concern for communities across Colorado, and it’s an issue ...
Big Pharma is pushing to bring back a tax break that could have saved them at least $15.4 billion in 2023 alone, according to a new analysis by Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) and Lower Drug ...