Atmospheric dynamics encompasses all physical processes within atmospheres, including global and regional-scale circulation, convection, tropical and extratropical cyclones, and interannual ...
Many of the most pressing problems in environmental science, such as El Nino, the ozone hole, and global warming intimately involve the motions of the atmosphere and the oceans. Students and faculty ...
Between 15,000 and 8,000 years ago, the Earth experienced significant climatic changes, including the rapid retreat of ice ...
Meteorology in ATM-MP is further divided into dynamic meteorology and biometeorology. Dynamic meteorology is about large-scale atmospheric dynamics, modelling and observation techniques. In comparison ...
Recent research topics include:, natural and anthropogenic causes for variations of ozone in the earth’s stratosphere, the influence of volcanoes on atmospheric chemistry and radiative balance, the ...
Students can choose 3 out of the following fields: weather systems and atmospheric dynamics climate processes and feedbacks atmospheric composition and cycles climate history and paleoclimatology ...
Current research efforts in mesoscale and boundary-layer dynamics utilize novel numerical and observational techniques. Airborne in situ and Doppler and Raman lidar data are collected in various ...
Students will acquire the tools to address these topics through basic knowledge of the fluid dynamics and chemical principles relevant to the ocean and atmosphere. Drawing on the expertise at Scripps ...
Atmospheric science is the study of the dynamics and chemistry of the layers of gas that surround the Earth, other planets and moons. This encompasses the interactions between various parts of the ...