the one that expressed the power and wealth of Athens itself, was the Athena Parthenos, a colossal gold-and-ivory statue that Pheidias, supposedly the general overseer of the entire Periclean ...
The pediment statues on the Parthenon, showing the birth of Athena and her battle with Poseidon to rule Athens, were accented with paint and even bronze accessories. Over time the stones were ...
Key exhibits include a relief of Athena Nike, several carved statues from Erechtheion ... If you're staying in the city center of Athens, the Acropolis may be within walking distance.
The famed statue of Athena had already been removed ... the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Athens. The Parthenon's function as a church, along with the Byzantines' reign, lasted another millennium ...
depicting Athena, was issued by the tyrant Lachares in 296 BC to pay his troops during the siege of Athens by Demetrius "the besieger", king of Macedon. The colossal gold and ivory statue of the ...
Built between 447 BC and 432 BC, this ancient Greek temple was dedicated to Athena, the patron goddess of Athens. While the original statue of Athena Parthenos has been lost, the Parthenon remains ...